DaTe Gulis

Useful tools and links to get you started as a DaTe member.

Kodarklubben is something new, just for you!

kodarklubben will be for everyone who likes to code or wants to learn more but don’t know what to do or dont want to sit at home doing it alone.

We are aiming to have weekly sessions.

Kodarklubben will try to have something to do for everyone.

PYTHON - easy examples and more challanging project.
JAVA - stay tuned.

why should you join us ?

Many easy examples (even our examples) can be found online but…

Don’t worry, you are all welcome to our sessions and we will help you with your questions.


Might change

Period 1.

Week 36. - Helping setting up environments (extending prog I 17-18)

Week 37. - Friday 15:00 K126A&B. Come hang out with us.

Week 38. - -

Week 39. - Thuesday 17:00 K126A&B. First steps in implementing Game of life.

Week 40. - -

Week 41. - Prepare for final exams.

Week 42. - Prepare for final exams.

Period 2.

Every Thursday 15-17 in K124B.

Week 50. - Prepare for exam part 1. (14.12)

Week 51. - Prepare for exam part 1. 2nd chance (21.12)